VuePress is a static site generator powered by Vue. It is used mainly for documentation but using it for personal web site also works really well.

I use VuePress for these sites

  • My website. Prior to that I used Gatsby but it required a lot of custom code to set up things. So I migrated. From my Facebook comment:

    My website used to be Gatsby+MDX, but there’s just too much custom code required... Now it’s VuePress on Default Theme.

    VuePress’ Default Theme and Markdown syntax has a lot of opinionated but customizable stuff out-of-the-box and I found myself much more productive.

  •, a Thai language website with contents about software engineering. Also default theme with customizations.

  • JavaScript Bangkok 1.0.0 website. This one is a completely custom theme.

Modular core

VuePress's sub packages are available on npm and can be used separately. Things such as @vuepress/markdown, which is markdown-it parser preloaded with VuePress's default Markdown extensions. I am using that package for this site (