Advent of Code 2021: Day 24
For this day’s Advent of Code puzzle, first, I converted the assembly code into an Excel spreadsheet. This helps me to analyze the code more easily.
instructions = $<
row = { 'w' => 2, 'x' => 2, 'y' => 2, 'z' => 2, }
col = { 'w' => 'A', 'x' => 'B', 'y' => 'C', 'z' => 'D', }
cur_row = 3
grid = {}
$num_inp = 0
instructions.each_with_index do |inst, i|
result_row = grid[cur_row] && grid[cur_row][inst[1]] ? cur_row + 1 : cur_row
result_col = col[inst[1]]
grid[result_row] ||= {}
get = -> var { var =~ /-?\d+/ ? var : "#{col[var]}#{row[var]}" }
grid[result_row][inst[1]] = begin
case inst[0]
when 'inp'
v = "=#{(65 + 4 + $num_inp).chr}1"
$num_inp += 1
when 'add'
when 'mul'
inst[2] == '0' ? '0' : "=#{get[inst[1]]}*#{get[inst[2]]}"
when 'div'
when 'mod'
when 'eql'
cur_row = result_row
row[inst[1]] = cur_row
puts ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z', *[9] * 14] * "\t"
puts [0, 0, 0, 0] * "\t"
(3..grid.keys.max).each do |i|
puts ['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'].map { grid[i][_1] || '' } * "\t"
The result looks like this:
Also, built an interpreter to verify that the Excel sheet works correctly:
$digits = 99999999999999.digits
variables = { 'w' => 0, 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'z' => 0, }
instructions.each_with_index do |inst, i|
get = -> var { var =~ /-?\d+/ ? var.to_i : variables[var] }
case inst[0]
when 'inp'
variables[inst[1]] = $digits.pop
when 'add'
variables[inst[1]] += get[inst[2]]
when 'mul'
variables[inst[1]] *= get[inst[2]]
when 'div'
variables[inst[1]] /= get[inst[2]]
when 'mod'
variables[inst[1]] %= get[inst[2]]
when 'eql'
variables[inst[1]] = variables[inst[1]] == get[inst[2]] ? 1 : 0
p variables
After analyzing the Excel sheet, I recreated the program in higher-level Ruby:
add = [13, 15, 15, 11, -16, -11, -6, 11, 10, -10, -8, -11, 12, -15]
add2 = [5, 14, 15, 16, 8, 9, 2, 13, 16, 6, 6, 9, 11, 5]
div = [1, 1, 1, 1, 26, 26, 26, 1, 1, 26, 26, 26, 1, 26]
inp = [9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9]
w = x = y = z = 0, add2, div).each do |w, a, a2, d|
x = (z % 26) + a == w ? 0 : 1
y = 25 * x + 1
z = y * (z / d)
y = (w + a2) * x
z = z + y
p [w, x, y, z]
I noticed that there is a lot of no-op when x == 0
, so I factored them into 2 cases:, add2, div).each do |w, a, a2, d|
if w == (z % 26) + a
z /= d
z /= d
z *= 26
z += w + a2
p [w, x, y, z]
Notice the recurrence of number 26 in the code. Also, the values of div
and thus the variable d
only hold number 1
and 26
. This looks like a stack of base-26 digits:
z /= 1
→ no-opz /= 26
→ popz *= 26; z += _
→ push
Rewritten using array-based stack:
zz = [], add2, div).each do |w, a, a2, d|
if zz.last == w - a
zz.pop if d == 26
zz.pop if d == 26
zz.push w + a2
p [w, zz.reduce(0) { _1 * 26 + _2 }, zz]
Take a look again at the div
div = [1, 1, 1, 1, 26, 26, 26, 1, 1, 26, 26, 26, 1, 26]
There is an equal number of 1
(push) and 26
(pop) in the array. That means if we fail to pop the stack when d == 26
, in the end, the stack will not be empty (0). In such cases there will be no solution, so we can prune the search space.
With this knowledge, the problem has turned into state-space search. The rest, is just a matter of brute-forcing.
find = -> w, i, zz, path {
if i == 14
p [zz, path.join[0...14]]
a = add[i]
a2 = add2[i]
d = div[i]
if d == 26
return if w - a != zz.last
next_zz = zz[0...-1]
9.downto 1 do |next_w|
find[next_w, i + 1, next_zz, [*path, next_w]]
next_zz = [*zz, w + a2]
9.downto 1 do |next_w|
find[next_w, i + 1, next_zz, [*path, next_w]]
9.downto 1 do |w|
find[w, 0, [], [w]]
p :done