Request and response logging in Elysia
One of the criteria of whether I consider a web framework to be production grade or not is whether it has a built-in logger1. Unfortunately, Elysia does not come with any built-in logger2. Although community plugins are available, there are at least 4 options that you have to choose from.
However, for more control, you may want to create your own logger, or maybe you already have a logger that you want to integrate with Elysia. As of writing, this is not well-documented yet, and the ingredients are spread across multiple pages in the Elysia documentation, so here goes: To set up logging, you can create a plugin that hooks into the onRequest and onAfterResponse life cycle events:
import Elysia from 'elysia'
export function createLogger() {
return new Elysia()
.onRequest(({ request }) => {
// … do something when request begins …
.onAfterResponse(({ request, response }) => {
// … do something after response is sent …
For example, here is how to integrate Hono's built-in logger with Elysia:
import Elysia from 'elysia'
import { logger } from 'hono/logger'
export function createLogger() {
const log = logger()
interface RequestState {
// Emulates the requested context object for Hono's logger
c: {
req: { raw: Request; method: string }
res?: Response
resolve: () => void
const stateMap = new WeakMap<Request, RequestState>()
return new Elysia()
.onRequest(({ request }) => {
let resolve: () => void
const state: RequestState = {
c: { req: { raw: request, method: request.method } },
resolve: () => resolve(),
const promise = new Promise<void>((r) => (resolve = r))
stateMap.set(request, state)
log(state.c as any, () => promise)
.onAfterResponse(({ request, response }) => {
const state = stateMap.get(request)
if (!state) return
state.c.res = response as Response
Another example, this time integrating with unjs' consola logger:
import { consola } from 'consola'
import Elysia from 'elysia'
import { getPath } from 'hono/utils/url'
export function createLogger() {
const map = new WeakMap<Request, { prefix: string; start: number }>()
return new Elysia()
.onRequest(({ request }) => {
const state = {
prefix: `[${request.method}] ${getPath(request)}`,
map.set(request, state)
.onAfterResponse(({ request, response: r }) => {
const state = map.get(request)
if (!state) return
const response = r as Response
const time = `${Math.round( - state.start)}ms`
if (response.status >= 400) {, response.status, time)
} else {
consola.success(state.prefix, response.status, time)
Some examples:
- Fastify has a built-in configurable logger based on Pino. Additionally, it provides a request-scoped logger attached to each request object, so it's easy to see which log belongs to which request.
- Hono also has a built-in simple logger, albeit not as configurable.
- NestJS has a built-in logger that can be easily replaced with your own logger.
- Firebase Functions Framework also has a built-in logger, which encourages structured logging on Google Cloud Observability.
To its credit, Elysia does have an official integration for OpenTelemetry. ↩