Hacking Surface Pen’s eraser support into Excalidraw

Excalidraw has an excellent support for a stylus pen. So, I would like to use it as a quick note-taking tool on my Surface Pro.

The Surface Pen comes with an eraser, which can be used to erase things in supported apps. However, it is not supported in Excalidraw.


Since Excalidraw is a web application, I want to see if I can hack my way to make it work (Spoiler: Yes, it works!).

I created a user script to add Surface Pen support to Excalidraw. Skip to the workaround section to see the code. Additionally, I submitted the issue including the workaround to Excalidraw’s issue tracker. I hope they add built-in support for Surface Pen in the future.

Detecting the eraser

The PointerEvent specification, introduced in 2019, allows web applications to access more information about the pointer (mouse, pen, touch) using a standardized interface.

So first I created a simple web application let me play around with the pointer events:

→ Pointer events tester


  • When a Surface Pen is used:
    • e.pointerType is pen
    • When the eraser is being used:
      • On pointerdown, e.button is 5.
      • On pointermove, e.buttons is 32.

Automating Excalidraw’s UI

Thankfully, Excalidraw’s UI components are pretty easy to query, as many of them has aria-label or data-testid attributes. To toggle the eraser I can do this:


Making the eraser actually work

Now, I was able to switch to the eraser, but it didn’t work. Upon closer inspection, I found that Excalidraw only supports a certain types of button.

    // only handle left mouse button or touch
    if (      event.button !== POINTER_BUTTON.MAIN &&
      event.button !== POINTER_BUTTON.TOUCH
    ) {

As you can see, no support for eraser.

Tricking Excalidraw into thinking a normal mouse button is being used

At first, I tried setting e.button = 0 directly, but it didn’t work:

e.button = 0
// ❌ Uncaught TypeError:
//    Cannot set property button of #<MouseEvent> which has only a getter

From the error message, the event has the property button, but it is read-only. So, instead of writing to that read-only property, how about we replace the property entirely?

Object.defineProperty(e, 'button', { value: 0 })
// ✅ It works!


Now that I have all the pieces, I can create a user script to add support for Surface Pen. I have tested this with Tampermonkey in Microsoft Edge (other setup untested).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Excalidraw Microsoft Surface Pen Eraser Support
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Adds Microsoft Surface Pen Eraser support to Excalidraw
// @author       Thai Pangsakulyanont (dtinth)
// @match
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

;(function () {
  'use strict'

  let activated
  function handlePointer(e) {
    const isEraser = e.pointerType === 'pen' && e.buttons & 32
    const isPenActive = document.querySelector('[data-testid="freedraw"]')
    if (!activated && isEraser && isPenActive) {
      activated = true

      // Force Excalidraw to recognize this as a normal button.
      Object.defineProperty(e, 'button', { value: 0 })
    if (activated && !isEraser) {
      // Clicking the eraser button again will switch back to the last used tool
      activated = false

  window.addEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointer, { capture: true })
  window.addEventListener('pointermove', handlePointer, { capture: true })