To get a long-lived access token for a Facebook page that does not expire:


  1. Get a “short-lived user access token”
  2. Exchange it for a “long-lived user access token”
  3. Use the “long-lived user access token” to obtain a “long-lived page access token”

Get a “short-lived user access token”

  1. Go to Graph API Explorer

  2. Under "Permissions", select pages_manage_posts and pages_manage_engagement

  3. Click Generate Access Token. You will be prompted to log in and grant permissions. Select the pages you want to use the app with. Once authorized, you will get a user access token that expires in 1 hour.

Exchange it for a “long-lived user access token”

  1. Copy the short-lived user access token

  2. Go to Access Token Debugger.

  3. Paste the access token and click Debug.

  4. Click Extend Access Token. This will generate a long-lived access token that expires in 60 days.

Get a “long-lived page access token”

  1. Copy the long-lived access token

  2. Paste it back into the Graph API Explorer.

  3. Using the explorer, perform a request: GET me/accounts. You will find the page ID, page name, and access token.

Since the access token is created from the long-lived access token, it will not expire (even if the user access token expires after 60 days).