Using Google Cloud Service Accounts to authenticate between your own services

If you are already using a Google Cloud (or Firebase) service account to access Google or Firebase APIs, you can also use the same service account to authenticate requests between your own services (machine-to-machine authentication).


When developing a solution with different services, oftentimes you want Service A to be able to securely call Service B.

  • You could use a shared secret, but then you have to manage that secret.
  • You could use a public/private key pair, but when you rotate the keys in Service A you also have to update the public key in Service B to trust the new credentials.
  • You could make Service A publish a JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) and have Service B fetch the new signing keys periodically, but then Service A has to manage the JWKS.
  • Or you can reuse a Google Cloud service account that you already have.

In Node.js, you can use google-auth-library to get an ID token for a service account:

import { GoogleAuth } from "google-auth-library";

 * @param {string} audience
async function getServiceAccountIdToken(audience) {
  const auth = new GoogleAuth();
  const client = await auth.getClient();
  if (!("fetchIdToken" in client)) throw new Error("No fetchIdToken");
  const token = await client.fetchIdToken(audience);
  return token;

Make sure your service account has the Service Account OpenID Connect Identity Token Creator or Service Account Token Creator role.

The result is a Google-issued, RS256-signed JWT that you can pass to your own services. The JWT contain these claims:

  "aud": "",
  "azp": "",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "exp": 1686418117,
  "iat": 1686414517,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "111111111111111111111"

The receiving service can use Google’s public keys to verify the JWT’s signature and check the aud claim to ensure that the token was intended for it.