Jamulus protocol study notes

Examine the first 2 bytes of each packet to determine the packet type.

  • Begins with 00 00 — control packet
  • Otherwise, it is an Opus packet.


  1. Client streams Opus frames to server.
  2. Server sends 0x1f (31: MUTE_STATE_CHANGED).
    • Client acknowledges.
  3. Server sends 0x20 (32: CLIENT_ID).
    • Client acknowledges.
  4. Server sends 0x18 (24: CONN_CLIENTS_LIST).
    • Client acknowledges.
  5. Server sends 0x22 (34: REQ_SPLIT_MESS_SUPPORT).
    • Client sends 0x23 (35: SPLIT_MESS_SUPPORTED).
      • Server acknowledges.
    • Client acknowledges.
  6. Server sends 0x03f7 (1015: CLM_CHANNEL_LEVEL_LIST).
  7. Server sends 0x15 (21: REQ_NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS).
    • Client sends 0x14 (20: NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS).
      • a5 00 00 00 — packet size 165
      • 02 00 — block size factor 2
      • 02 — stereo
      • 80 bb 00 00 — 48000 Hz
      • 02 00 — opus
      • 00 00 — no flags
      • 00 00 00 00 — no extra parameters
    • Client acknowledges.
  8. Server sends 0x0b (11: REQ_JITT_BUF_SIZE).
    • Client sends 0x0a (10: JITT_BUF_SIZE).
      • 04 00 — jitter buffer size of 4
  9. Server sends 0x17 (23: REQ_CHANNEL_INFOS).
    • Client sends 0x16 (22: CHANNEL_INFOS).
      • d3 00 — thailand
      • 07 00 00 00 — instrument id 7
      • 01 — skill level 1
      • 0f 00 — name length 15
      • (name)
      • 00 00 — city length 0
      • (city)
    • Client acknowledges.
  10. Server sends 0x1d (29: VERSION_AND_OS).
    • 00 OS
    • 05 00 version length
    • (version)
    • Client sends 0x14 (20: NETW_TRANSPORT_PROPS).
      • With flags 01 00 to indicate support for sequence number.
    • Client acknowledges.
  11. At this point server is now streaming audio.

Opus packet

First byte:

  • & 0x04 If set, it is stereo, otherwise it is mono.