Naming types in TypeScript: don’t!

If you have a React component named Foo, how do you name the type that represents its props? Do you use FooProps or just Props? I recently learned that I could’ve just named it Foo. No need to create a new name. So this is the convention I now use in React projects:

// ❌ Do not use "Props" — they are ambiguous, hard to auto-import, and
//    doesn’t work well when you have multiple components in the same file.
export interface Props { foo: string }
export const Thing: FC<Props> = (props) => { /* ... */ }

// ❌ Do not use "ThingProps" — verbose and requires an extra import.
export interface ThingProps { foo: string }
export const Thing: FC<ThingProps> = (props) => { /* ... */ }

// ✅ Use the same name for the component and the type representing its props.
export interface Thing { foo: string }
export const Thing: FC<Thing> = (props) => { /* ... */ }

At first glance, it may seem weird to create a type and a value with the same name. Wouldn’t that be confusing? This post provides the rationale for why this can be considered idiomatic code, as well as more examples.

The two planes of existence

Did you know that this is a valid TypeScript code?

// Note: Contrived example; more useful examples below.
export type X = number
export const X = () => 42

We created a type and a constant, but they have the same name, yet we don’t get an error. This works because in TypeScript there is a world of values and another world of types.

When you declare things in TypeScript, you either:

  • Declare a name in the world of values. Examples: var, let, const, function.
  • Declare a name in the world of types. Examples: type, interface.
  • Declare a name in the both worlds. Examples: class1, namespace2, enum3.
More explanation

If a name exists only in the world of values, it can’t be used as a type:

type X = 1
let Y = X
//      ^ 'X' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.

If a name exists only in the world of types, it can’t be used as a value:

let X = 1
type Y = X
//       ^ 'X' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here.
//         Did you mean 'typeof X'?

When importing a name, normally, both worlds are considered.

import { glob, IOptions } from 'glob'
//       |     |
//       |     +---> type
//       +---------> value

import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
//       |
//       +---> both type and value, since EventEmitter is a class

If import type is used, then only the world of types is considered.

import type { EventEmitter } from 'events'

function f(emitter: EventEmitter) {}
// Ok, as `EventEmitter` is used in a type context.

let x = new EventEmitter()
// 'EventEmitter' cannot be used as a value because it was imported
// using 'import type'.

Why would this be useful? More real-world examples

As previously mentioned, whenever you create a class, a namespace, or an enum, you’re declaring a name in both the world of values and the world of types, and in different world they mean different things. Take the EventEmitter class, for example:

  • As a value, EventEmitter refers to the class object, the constructor function that creates instances of the class.
  • As a type, EventEmitter refers to the type that represents instances of the class.

We can also do the same thing in our own code. Let’s look at a few practical use cases. All of these examples came from real-world projects:

Declaring a type with a corresponding schema

Sometimes we not only want to declare a type (which is only useful for compile-time checks), but also a schema (which is useful for runtime checks). Rather than having to use 2 different names, we can use the same name for both.

import { JSONSchemaType } from 'ajv'

// As a type, `RectangleSize` represents a shape of an object.
export interface RectangleSize {
  width: number
  height: number

// As a value, `RectangleSize` refers to a JSON schema corresponding to
// the type of the same name.
export const RectangleSize: JSONSchemaType<RectangleSize> = {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    width: { type: 'number' },
    height: { type: 'number' },
  required: ['width', 'height'],

Declaring an interface with a corresponding dependency injection token

This example is taken straight from VS Code’s source code (1) (2) (3).

// As a type, `ILoggerService` represents an interface that can be implemented
// by a service that can create loggers.
export interface ILoggerService {
  createLogger(file: URI, options?: ILoggerOptions): ILogger
  getLogger(file: URI): ILogger | undefined

// As a value, `ILoggerService` is a decorator that can be used to inject
// an `ILoggerService` instance into a class.
export const ILoggerService = createDecorator<ILoggerService>('loggerService')

// In another file...
import { ILoggerService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'
//       ^ imports both type and value

export class DependentService {
  constructor(@ILoggerService private readonly loggerService: ILoggerService) {}
  //           ^ value                                        ^ type

Declaring a React component with a corresponding prop type

Are you tired of having to import 2 different names, one for the React component and another for the type representing its props?

import { Button, ButtonProps } from '../ui-kit'
//       |       |
//       |       +---> The prop type for the Button component
//       +-----------> The Button React component (value)

You can do this instead:

// The interface represents the props of the component
// (same name as the component!)
export interface Button {}

// The component itself
export const Button: React.FC<Button> = (props) => {
  /* ... */

And with that you no longer need to import the component and its prop type separately:

import { Button } from '../ui-kit'
//       |
//       +--> As a value, `Button` refers to the React component.
//            As a type, `Button` refers to the type representing Button’s props.
//            Both are imported at once!

Note that this pattern only works with functional components.

So, having learned this, in my recent React projects I now use the following convention:

// ❌ Do not use "Props" — they are ambiguous, hard to auto-import, and
//    doesn’t work well when you have multiple components in the same file.
export interface Props { foo: string }
export const Thing: FC<Props> = (props) => { /* ... */ }

// ❌ Do not use "ThingProps" — verbose and requires an extra import.
export interface ThingProps { foo: string }
export const Thing: FC<ThingProps> = (props) => { /* ... */ }

// ✅ Use the same name for the component and the type representing its props.
export interface Thing { foo: string }
export const Thing: FC<Thing> = (props) => { /* ... */ }

Declaring a React context with a corresponding context type

The same can be applied to React contexts.

import { createContext } from 'react'

// The interface represents the type of the context value
// (same name as the context!)
export interface ThemeContext {
  theme: 'dark' | 'light'

// The context itself
export const ThemeContext = createContext<ThemeContext>({
  theme: 'dark',

Automatic enforcement

To enforce the convention for React components, I use this Semgrep rule^[In my projects, I use Semgrep in conjunction with ESLint. ESLint for community rules and Semgrep for project-specific rules.]:

  - id: consistent_react_prop_type_naming
      - pattern-regex: 'const (\w+): React\.FC<\s*(?:\1)?Props\s*>'
      - pattern-regex: 'function (\w+)\(\s*props:\s*(?:\1)?Props\s*'
    message: Make the prop type/interface have the same name as the React component.
    languages: [ts]
    severity: ERROR


  1. Take class X for example.

    • As a value, X refers to the constructor function.
    • As a type, X refers to the type that represents instances of the class.
    • To represent the type of the class itself, use typeof X.
  2. Take namespace X for example.

    • As a value, X refers to the namespace object.
    • As a type, X refers to the type that contains the types exported from the namespace.
    • To represent the type of a namespace object itself, use typeof X.
  3. Take enum X for example.

    • As a value, X refers to the enum object.
    • As a type, X refers to the type that represents the members of the enum.
    • To represent the type of the enum object itself, use typeof X.